Wanting to purchase as a gift? Please read the “Help” section on the main livestream page here.

Can’t find your access information? Please first check your junk/promotion folders for an email from Andrew Peterson. If you don’t see that email but have purchased tickets, please click “forgot password” on the login portal here. This will generate new emails to be sent to the inbox you used when purchasing your ticket.

I used the wrong email for my purchase! If you either sent your livestream to the wrong email or used a typo in your purchase, you can still log into the livestream portal here with your incorrect email. We cannot change your email for you. If you’d like to refund your purchase and re-buy it under the correct email, fill out the contact form below.

Churches/Groups: Please be sure you’ve read the church/group FAQ on the main livestream page before submitting a question. Read here.

Casting to TVs: We’ve received feedback that the most reliable way to do this is using an HDMI cord.